
Art Cologne

Art Cologne

Art Cologne

Art Cologne

From 7 until 10 November 2024

Koen Doodeman

Koen Doodeman

Together with COSAR gallery from Düsseldorf we present a solo booth with new works by Koen Doodeman.

Koen Doodeman‘s work balances on the border between image and object. His work covers a spectrum between painting and textile, whereby it is never one hundred per cent one or the other. It is precisely this moment in between that Koen Doodeman explores in the spectrum of his artistic activity. All his works pose the question of what we are looking at and what we really see.

As a starting point for his works, Doodeman separates the CMYK colour palette from a colour photograph: cyan, magenta, yellow and black. In a painterly process, he transfers these colours to the yarn of his loom, to the horizontal and vertical threads and combines them with other patterns to create a completely new pictorial unit.

The result of this time-consuming and elaborate process still refers to the photographic original, but now possesses so many new levels of reality that the work becomes a puzzle of interpretation and meaning.



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